Whew! We are about 2 weeks into the month and things are booming; thank you all!
This week the kids will be focusing on Module 9 week 2 techniques 1-4. Seems like a lot, but trust me we have it broken down into simple to learn and apply lessons.
Our Adults move on to Module 6; half guard top, mount and mount again. In total, we will be focusing on about 13 different concepts this week so please make sure to watch the modules on www.caioterra.com to get any details that you may miss or have already.
Did you hear about the photo shoot?
Well we are working with GoDaddy Social on a special project and they are sending a photographer to us this Thursday at 4:45 for about 2 hours. Please make sure to have both your full uniform as well as your nogi attire so we can get you in all your glory in whatever outfit we may need you in.
In closing, we would like to welcome the following people back into the fold:
- Adam E.
- Janet B
- Dani B
We would also like to say happy birthday to the following people at Otomi Martial Arts:
- Cy Lorimor
- Leo Lilyestrom
- Ronin Sexton
- Cole Johnson
Finally, thanks as always to everyone for the support. We could not do this without you! Also don’t forget to spread the word about 100% free training program we have for current high school seniors in the Parker Colorado area.