Our commitment to our goals and therefore our glory involves the creation of good habits. We start by memorizing that Good habit are hard to make, but easy to live with. While bad habits are easy to make, but hard to live with. With that said, let us focus on the first of the four following concepts for the month of June.
- Self Discipline
- Dinner before Desert
- Taking Responsibility
- Present Focus
So how do you define Self Discipline?
We like to say “you don’t have to like it, you just have to do it.” While the “it” will vary from person to person and situation to situation, learning to bear down and get your work done first does have value!
Have fun discussing this topic with your family and friends, but if you run out of probing questions, try the following.
- What does it mean to have good manners?
- Why is it important to have good manners?
- Can you give an example of having good manners?
- How long does it take to create a good habit?